Thursday, November 26, 2009

Healthcare Delivery Project

This is a project for on of my pharmacy classes. I'm posting it so my group member can take a look at it and give me some feed back before its due. Sorry its so small, and the volume is turned up as much as possible.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Max Update

Max had his post-op doctor's appointment today we got to check out the newest X-rays, had his staples and sutures and got a HOT green cast! They said the wound looked really good. Max has three to four more weeks off his foot, then hopefully he will be in a walking cast.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Max's Broken Leg

I think we should change the name of our blog to: Life's a Roller Coaster Ride When You're an Andersen. I would like to see if anyone could rival us for the most eventful first 14 months of marriage!!!

Max broke his leg is three spots rolling an ATV on Halloween. Yesterday (Tuesday) Max had surgery to insert a plate and a couple of screws!!! The surgery went well, it took a lot longer than they expected and Max is really swollen and in a lot of pain, But he is doing well.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Max Here With A Dutch Oven Treat!!!!!!!

We decided to make dutch oven cobbler for dessert after confrence. Earlier I took the dogs down to the river to let them run out some energy. On the way home I found a little something on the side of the road so I asked myself what could I do with this? I told Maureen to get the tin foil to line the inside of the dutch oven you can see what happend next...


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall in Albuquerque!!!

I LOVE FALL IN ALBUQUERQUE!!! The number one reason is... THE BALLOON FIESTA, yes the fiesta is back which mean I have to post more pictures. Sadly we didn't have anyone here visiting to enjoy it with us. Max and I got up at 4:30 this morning to go to the 7:00 am Mass Ascension, over two hundred balloons took off from the field this morning. Unlike other balloon festivals here in Albuquerque the fiesta goers get to walk on the field, and get up close and personal with the balloons. We had several balloons launch just in front of us and fly over our heads. This has been my third Balloon Fiesta, and it is still just as exciting as the first time. Max and I are hoping to close on our house at the end of the month, so we will have a guest room next year. We would LOVE to host ANY friends or family who want to experience the Balloon Fiesta!!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

White Coat!!!

Hey everyone!!! If you couldn't tell, Pharmacy school has started for me, hence the lack of blogging!!!! Just really quite I want to post my white coat ceremony, my Mom posted it on facebook so you my have already seen it but for those who haven't here it is. Please note I was stupid and wore heels all day and my feet were killing me so I'm walking funny!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Albuquerque, specifically the downtown and hobos have provided Max and I with an unforgettable first year of marriage. From having the trucks windshield smashed with a rock, aa HBO show filmed in our backyard, truck broken into/purse stolen, balloon fiesta, a sore Christmas in bed, a new nephew, finding ourselves in the middle of gun fire, acceptance to Pharm School, and exciting Missionary experiences downtown Albuquerque is the place to go if you need adventure/challenge/excitement in your life! Two weeks shy of living here for a year Max and I are saying Sayonara to the downtown life.

After receiving legal papers notifying us the house we've been renting is being foreclosed and sold to the bank July 30, Max and I packed our stuff, placed it in storage, and moved in with a co-worker/friends of mine Amanda. Amanda has a three bedroom house and lives alone with her two dogs. So Max and I are occupying a bedroom until we can buy our own house. We are hoping to be able to make an offer on a house next month.

I want to give a big shot out to my family!!! THANK YOU so much especially to my Dad to helping Max and I move our stuff in storage and help clean the house!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Eric Draper Photography

This morning on 770 KKOB, yes, I listen to talk radio. I'm my Mother's(and Father's) daughter!!! Bob Clark (who I really don't like but I need my news fix, it's hard to not have a TV) was interviewing Eric Draper a photographer based out of Albuquerque. Eric Draper also served as Special Assistant to the President and White House Photographer for President George W. Bush. Eric spoke about his time serving along side the President, we was there right along side the President on September 11, 2001, his pictures were the only documentations of who attended the meetings with the President that day, because it was so chaotic. He traveled with the President to meet with world leaders, spent time with the Bushes at their Texas Ranch. As I listen to Eric talk about his experiences in the White House, it seem to me he genuinely enjoyed his time with the President, so I decided to check out his website I really enjoyed looking through his pictures and so I share it with you!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009


I did not take this video, Bec did but I wanted to post it because Rafey is so cute and I wanted to share it for those family member that don't get to see him too often!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This one is for Sheena!

Kelly Kohl (a friend from High School) Posted this on Facebook, so I have to give her credit for this find!!! Sheen this is for you and Craig, and for anyone else you loved Save By The Bell!!!

Andersen Up Date

Yes we are still alive!!! Between finals, visitors from Utah and Florida, getting ready for girls camp, I haven't had a chance to blog. Also my purse was stolen 5 days after the shooting , my camera was in it, so I've been pictureless!!!

Max and I both had good birthdays, Max got a Blackberry (he was in desperate need of a new phone), two hat and gift certificates to the movies. All of which we opened early. For my birthday I got a full length mirror (I've wanted for a while!!!) A hand chopper thingy, and a plastic container to make my first geocache!!! I haven't quite gotten to making it yet we need to find a good place for it first. We each got some cash that went to the purchase of a new tent!!! OH! I almost for got.... I also got ROCKBAND 2 as a early Birthday present (not a good thing to buy a week before finals)

Jessica (Max's little sister) and Jordan are engaged!!!!! Jordan proposed May 3, Jessie's birthday day she said yes then they drove ALL night to Albuquerque to visit Max and I and to Jordan's Dad who is in Santa Fe. We had a lot of fun playing ROCKBAND 2, celebrating by going to out for sushi, visited El Morro, Jess and Jordan also went to the ABQ Zoo. Unfortunately I forgot to get pictures from Jess before she left.

My Paw paw Tom and Granny drove from Flordia to visit our family, one person in particular, Rafe their first great grandson. While they were here was drove up to Durango and visited Mesa Verdi National Park, home of the Peublo clift dwellings. I was able to get some picture from Becca's camera.

Monday, May 4, 2009

PharmD Here I Come

I GOT IN!!!!

I got my acceptance letter saturday, I was working at Smith's Max called me with the good news! I was so happy!!! I think the Pharmacist I was working with must have gotten sick of me saying "I'm so happy!!!" I probably said it 100 times! It took all my strength to wait to tell my family. Max and I invited them over for Sunday dinner and we told them. So now I can tell you! I'm so happy to have finally gotten in. This is something I have wanted for a while now! Thank you for all your thoughts and prays!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Preaching the Gospel Can Be Pretty Dangerous!!!

Max and I were called to be Ward Missionaries, a calling I've really been excited for! Unfortunately the few time the Missionaries have called us to go on splits I've always had school or work so Max has gone alone. I was really excited when they called last night asking us to go with them to teach a women by the name of Mary, Sunday evening.

We met the Elders at a gas station in the south valley near Mary's house. For those of you not familiar with Albuquerque, the south valley is the "West Valley" or "West Ogden" of Utah, its the "scary" part of town. We followed the Elders to the house. We taught Mary for about an hour, about Jesus Christ, the Atonement, the Restoration and The Book of Mormon. Max and I had the chance to bare testimonies. We had a good time, the Spirit was there, and the Elders made an appointment to meet again Wednesday.

As we were walking down the driveway, Elder Innes told us "you guys rocked it in there!" We laughed and made small talk. Just before we made it to the street we heard yelling in Spanish. I made some smart comment about how much I love Albuquerque. Then POP POP POP, we could see the flashes of light in the darkness as a gun began to fire. The Elders and I stood in SHOCK that someone was shooting a gun only 40-50 feet away from us. Max yelled "GET DOWN, GET DOWN" As the four of us ran (not so easy in hit heels, I'm wearing flats from now on) and crouched behind the truck, 4 or 5 hispanic men ran past us. A white car drove to the end of the street, picked them up and it was over. Max thinks 6 to 8 shot were fired, I honestly had no clue, I just couldn't believe it was happening.

All I can say is preaching the Gospel can be pretty dangerous! I feel watched over and blessed that no one was hurt! I told Max I don't think there is anyway we can ever forget our first year of marriage because I was been quite eventful, most of which is thanks to Albuquerque!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Probably everyone already knows that 311 is my favorite bad. Tyler showed this video to me I thought it was very clever!

Utah Visit #2

Here are a few more pictures from our Utah visit!!!

Sadly I did not get a good picture are Telina or Ian Sorry!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Visit to Utah

Max and I have drove to Utah last Wednesday evening got in at 2:30 AM to attend his friend/ old roomate Cody Storey's Wedding in the Logan Temple. This has been a great chance to visit with Max's family. Since we didn't really get a chance during Christmas Break.

Max and I driving to Logan for the Wedding!

The Logan Temple!!! It was quite cold, I totally forgot to take a picture of Max and Cody together.

Allison, Ian Max and I, it was so nice to see these two again I couldn't believe how much they have grown and changed in just seven months!

And introducing the newest member of the Harrison family Madelaine Claire!!!

Madelaine has inherited Brandon's unruly curly hair! I have never seen a baby with such crazy curly hair!!! She is so adorable!

Brandon modeling his Albuquerque Isotopes and "I am so Smart" Homer Simpson PJ we got him for Christmas. Along with his Homer slippers.

Mom, Max, Jessie and I Geocaching at the Ogden River Parkway. Max and I have had a lot of fun visiting with friends and family!!!