Tuesday, August 10, 2010

two year anniversary

It was Max and my two year anniversary last Sunday, August 8th. I think I'm supposed to say, "I can't believe it's been two years" but I'm not. Maybe it's because Max and I argue like we have been married longer, or that we dated for about 4 years before getting married but, I can't believe it's only been two years.

I love being married! I love having a companion that is fully devoted to me and I to him. I love having Max to come home to, especially on a particular stressful day. And I love being able to be there for Max when he needs me. Being married definitely easy. I think as soon as you say "I do" life comes at you full force, at least it did for Max and I. With each bump in road Max and I hold on even tighter to each other and get though it.

Enough with the mushy stuff, how did we celebrate? Last year we did absolutely NOTHING to celebrate our anniversary, so this year we decided to go somewhere nice, The Melting Pot! We invited my parents to join us to celebrate their anniversary (Aug 18th). We had a nice three hour meal with good company!

{balloon bouquet center piece}

{cheese fondue}

{max and i along with some steam from the fondue pot}

{dad, mom, max, me and dessert}

{it didn't take us long to finish this}

{strawberry dipped in the turtle fondue: milk chocolate, caramel, pecans and flambe}

{pretty much!}

1 comment:

Sheena said...

oh my that looks amazing! I have always wanted to go there. Happy Anniversary too! Very exciting!